Free to Bee™ previously Tame your Mind

Birth trauma is real!

Could hypnotherapy help you with the ongoing effects of a difficult birth?

A traumatic birth experience can have profound lasting effects!

A difficult entry into the world can be responsible for lasting insecurities, fears and anxiety for everyone involved in the birth including the baby.

Birth Trauma is Real

The transition between the uterus and the world can be a hugely traumatic experience for everyone involved. 
Birth trauma is a very real issue that is often overlooked as a contributing factor to ongoing issues.

A traumatic birth can have a profound impact on both parents, witnesses and baby.

  • Mother: Mothers who experience a traumatic birth may feel disappointed in themselves, guilty, and ashamed. They may also blame themselves and grieve the birth they didn't have, especially if they had an unplanned caesarean section. Some mothers may develop a fear of childbirth, postpartum depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  They may also go on to experience chronic pain in the abdomen or another area of the body.

  • Father/Birth partner: Fathers or birth partners who witness a traumatic birth may feel helpless, guilty, and overwhelmed by what they are witnessing yet have no control over and that they are not able to protect their partner/friend and baby. They may also struggle to bond with baby and support their partner. Some fathers may also develop PTSD.  Fathers may also experience chronic pain in some area of the body.

  • Child: Children who experience a traumatic birth may have difficulty forming secure attachments with others. They may also experience anxiety, depression, and irrational fears. Some children may also have difficulty regulating their emotions and behavior.  Parents may notice they have always been shy, fearful, nervous or withdrawn.

Here are some additional examples of how a traumatic birth can impact the mother, father, and child:


  • Nightmares and flashbacks

  • Feelings of failure related to the birth

  • Difficulty bonding with the baby

  • Irritability and anger

  • Withdrawal from social activities

  • Issues with intimacy

  • Anxiety

  • Overwhelm

  • Chronic pain in the body

  • Lack of confidence or belief in self


  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Irritability and poor emotional regulation

  • Separation anxiety

  • Attachment difficulties

  • Anxiety, Stomach aches, IBS and depression

  • Learning disabilities

  • Behavioral problems

  • Lack of confidence and or belief in self

  • Fear of the unknown

It is important to note that not everyone who experiences a traumatic birth will develop these problems. However, it is important to be aware of the potential for ongoing suffering from a difficult birth experience.  If you have experienced, witnessed or was the child of a traumatic birth you can seek help if you need it.

If you have experienced a traumatic birth, there are many resources available to help you heal, hypnotherapy being just one of those. You can also talk to your doctor, a counsellor, or a support group for parents who have experienced traumatic births.

Get in touch today to find out how hypnotherapy could
help you!

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Contact Debbie

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Please Note:

Free to Bee™ is not a Medical or Mental Health Agency or Service. 
We are not trained medical or mental health professionals. 
Our training is to help clients move beyond life challenges that they believe are holding them back. 
While our services this may contribute to increasing a person's overall emotional resilience, it is not a replacement for dedicated medical or mental health help, support, diagnosis or advice.
If you are looking for a mental health service please click the link below for a list of agencies providing assistance.